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Showing posts from 2011

Set up an Internet Connection over Bluetooth Through Dial-up Connection

When internet connection some how does not work we look for an alternative and here is the solution that is  set up an internet connection over Bluetooth . For setting up an internet connection over Bluetooth, all you need is a mobile phone with bluetooth and an active GPRS pack subscribed . One more thing, you must have Bluetooth in your Laptop/Computer . If you don’t have bluetooth in your computer, get a Bluetooth device from market.

Google's Android Training Program

Google has introduced beta phase of Android Training Program, to teach the enthusiasts in Android Developer field. It will be a direct online training form Google. This training program will cover different and mostly all the aspects of Android Programming.

Google Releases Face Detection Tool And Responds To Facebook Events

Google seems to be on a fire these days. After Releasing Schemer an answer to Facebook Events . It is (Schemer)only its invite that is beta phase . Schemer website is . Here user can post activities that they would like to do .

Gmail Gets Better With Google Plus

Today when I logged into my Gmail account I found a new surprise . A new option of Circles was added . Though it was added a day before but I saw it today. With some goood features.

JQuery Plugins Site Down

Two three days before when I entered to  http://plugins.jquery. com   I thought it might be a small error and will be fixed in a hour or so . But, when I returned it showed the same message COME BACK LATER.

Install Jellybean Custom ROM For Samsung Galaxy S

Warning: I am not responsible for malfunctioning of your phone. I have already specified about features JellyBeans in my previous post. What is Jelly Bean (Android 4.5 or Android 5.0)? Now I am going to tell you how to install it or you can say update . Samsung Galaxy S GT I9000. I will like to simple in my aproach as the last one How To Install Android 4.0 alpha 7 On Galaxy S/SII .

What is Jelly Bean (Android 4.5 or Android 5.0)?

As world is waiting for Android 4.0 'Ice Cream Sandwich' some third-party developers have launched their own Custom ROM and are saying it as 'Jelly Bean'. Which was suppose to be next Android OS after 'Ice Cream Sandwich' as Google announced earlier this year. It was to be known as Android 4.5 or Android 5.0.

How To Install Android 4.0 alpha 7 On Galaxy S/SII

Warning: I am not responsible for malfunctioning of your phone.It is in alpha phase. After the source Code of Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) was released in public. Some tech freaks made  Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) to work on some high end phones. This news came over Twitter in form of tweet from xplodwild  which linked to filed required for flashing SII.