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Showing posts from June, 2012

Mac Operating System isn't Susceptible to Viruses : No More

While surfing I found a noticeable change into Apple website, the Apple silently removed a statement saying  It doesn't get PC viruses . Now it has been changed to It's built to be safe.

Privacy disaster - Google+ gives access to somebody else's account!

Today few hours earlier a guy named Guilherme da Luz  from Portugal claimed that he is able to access another account on Orkut which does not belong to him, also it has been verified by Google. He further wants to take Google to court. The news came to be known to us by a post in Google+ Developers Group, posted by guy himself. The Guy is Guilherme da Luz and his Google+ profile is . The post he made says:

Jailbreak for iPhone OS 6 Beta

If you are iPhone user then this post is surely going to surprise you. Whenever iPhone or iPad with new iOS is released then it takes some time for their jailbreak to come. But this time it is something special. It’s only 15 days from the date when iOS 6 was released and in this short span of time, iPhone Dev team has announced that they have released the jailbreak for it. Seems to be interesting and this news is hitting the web across the world. Some say that it’s just announcement and far from reality. Whatever is, in this post I am going to post the procedure to jailbreak iOS6. Hope you find it useful for you. So let’s have a look on it.

+1 Button JavaScript Again Changed To Reduce Browser CPU and Memory Usage

A month ago there was change in the Plus One button load speed  it was claimed to be made 20 percent faster. Google+ Developer Team is working hard to make the Plus One (+1) Button load faster. The latest change being in it's JavaScript. The current change reduces browser CPU usage and memory usage for the site using the +1 button.

Net To Get New Domain Suffixes: Includes .Google

As the reports published in Times Of India and other News Papers, Internet will have huge expansion. It is being said that the new domain suffixes to be added. Several companies are looking for suffixes such as .music, .bank etc. Google Inc is seeking for .Google and . YouTube domains. Google also wants Internet address to end with .lol which is shorthand of Laugh Out Loud. Not only companies and groups, New York City is also seeking for .nyc.

Expectations from FXI Cotton Candy: USB Stick Sized Computer Device

Today, tech progress is moving at a fast speed. 5-7 years ago nobody could ever imagine what kind of devices and services would become available for the majority of customers. Information exchange has become simple, despite the fact that terabytes of information are shared between the Internet users. Recently, cloud technologies gained a huge market share. Clouds are personal space of information which a user claims for himself. There is no need to store all personal info at own PC. Having a cloud resolves data

Google Plus vs. Facebook Pages: Why Google + Will Triumph

Google recently announced that they will be offering Google Plus pages to businesses, personalities and brands. This is to enable them increase their online presence with relative ease in the world’s largest search engine. A Better Understanding of Google + Business As is the case with Facebook Pages, Google Plus Pages offers destinations where business-related designations are able to not only

4 Advantages of Mobile Internet for Your Online Businesses

As an online business man or woman, using internet system is one vital tool you wouldn’t joke with, and for your business to flourish better, the need for a high speed internet connection is required. Though, there are different types of high speed internet connection in the market nowadays, but one bitter truth is that, not all the internet connection can really fit in for all kind of job. Some internet connections are made to be station in a particular place. Therefore, such internet connection won’t be suitable for travelers that make use of internet in their day to day activities, while some are made to be mobile; such is the mobile internet connection.